Sunday, July 18, 2010

Operation Weekend alooonnneee!!!

So it was a glooooorious weekend to say the least!! Mr.Luvuhh and I decided to go and have ourselves a weekend camping getaway just the two of us! (much needed since my dads in town) and on top of that his precious 7 year old and my sister, the all of us in one house... ouhhh lordy is it a packed house! We had an awesome time we went to Elk Lake a secluded camping area, we found a spot right next to the lake with a firepit already made, some firewood already there left by the previous campers (we left some extra stuff too for the next campers) ;) and even a log carved out into like a toilet seat.... (let's face it for most of us girls this is a pain when it comes to camping)


(((The beautiful Elk Lake)))

We settled in, roasted veggie dogs over the open fire, and enjoyed one, or two diet cokes and coconut rum... yummmmooo.... as we cuddled next to the fire listening to what I forgot the sound of, peace and quiet ;)

Day two of our fun adventure, we hiked.... and I mean HIKED. I loove to be active and one of my top favorite ways to get some cardio in would have to be hiking. It started pretty young when I would go hiking with my dad in the high desserts of California where I grew up. Nothing comes close to hiking in Oregon though! So as we make our way up a trail we found a sign that pointed to Battle Axe Mountain!!! (sounds epic and awesome right ;P ) Ouhh and believe me it was. Battle Axe Mountain showed us whos boss, with it's steep very very rocky terrain, this was REAL hiking and I loved every buttkicking, sweaty, sunburning second of it! Once we finally reached the top it was a view like no other, I wish I had brought my yoga mat, so peaceful and beautiful. We had to have been the highest peak because we could see everything!!


(((At the top looking charming ;P)))


(((EWWWW kissy pic ;P Mr.Luvuh and I )))

There was a few falls on the way down but well worth it! The rest of the day was nice and lazy as we cherished our last night of the quiet. What a fun weekend it was but definitely missed my teeny yogini ( Mr.Luvuhs beautiful daughter) and can't wait to go camping with her in a couple weeks!!
