Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer to an End

What an AUHHMMMAZING Summer we had! And Im so sad to see it come to a close with little Jadybug. Gunna miss mah teenie yogini like there's no tomorrow! We had such a busy fun packed Summer which consisted of...


Mr.Luvuh and Completing a half marathon, with might I add me and my completely messed up foot (yes that's us holding hands across the finish line)

Wayy awesome camping trips...


Jadybug and daddybug roasting veggies, vegetarians in the making! ;P



Wayyy too cold Oregon coast water!


Facing fears, and climbing monkeys! (she was on the hardest one and beat the older kids and even adults on the rock climbing wall!)


Mahh teenie yoginis first yoga classes!


Jade doing Savasana for like 3 full minutes!! after we told her we didn't think she could do thee hardest yoga posture ever with her replying "yeah I can!" and she did it!

jade savasana

Zoo trips!



Company Party baseball games! (Goooo Beavers!)

daddy daughter

gabby and jade

Great Wolf!! Water park and Magiqwest umm uhh fun ;P

Great wolf wands

(check out this recycle belt, yaya!)

And of course some delishhh healthy eats!!!




thai salad

jade yummy thai

Summer 2010... ultimate success! I don't know what in the world I did to deserve the two most amazing people, they are my heart, my everything. I love my little family!


  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Your food pics are making me very hungry........

    Thats awesome you completed a half marathon! I am new to running, but I absolutely love it. So far I'm just doing it leisurely but my Dad is trying to persuade me to do a 5K with him in the fall. I'm really excited for it! xo Kat

  2. Thank you! It was all very yummy ;D Just to tell you I am new to running as well ran my first 5k in March than a half marathon in June you could do it! It's all mind power ;)
